Time Space Adventurers

Welcome to a new adventure. It is a story where you learn how to have intentional control over what happens in your day to day life.

Regardless of what your current life situation is, you can alter the reality of your daily life.
We are at the point in time space where Creation is taking place. You are the Designer of Reality™. The question is, are you doing it intentionally or are you on a kind of auto-pilot simply responding to the world around you?
In Spiritual terms this has been called "waking-up" or "enlightenment". It is the personal realization that your consciousness is imagining everything that you believe to be real into being.

Your personal experience of Reality has been shaped by all of your life experiences and what those around you believe. However, you can learn how to transform your world into an ever more satisfying experience by redefining your beliefs. You must learn to discipline your thinking to consistently focus on your desired path. This is your highest pursuit and is a crucial next step in the evolution of our species.

The key to intentional creation is focus on wanted things.The key ingredient in the formula is to focus your energy and attention on wanted outcomes. Know that whenever you start to imagine or fear an unwanted outcome you must consciously shift your expectation and belief toward the desired result. It's as simple and challenging as consistently doing what "feels" good and seeking to find something to appreciate and praise in every situation. Trust that even in an adverse situation you will be able to discover the opportunity it offers and that you will discover a positive solution. The force driving intentional creation is consistently focused belief in the desired outcome.
"For truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." (Matthew 17:20)

Order the Time Space Adventurers digital package that includes the ebook/pdf versions of the book and access to the online strategy course.

Download an introduction to "The Gaia Game" Time Space Adventure.

(See next video HERE)

Want to demonstrate to yourself that you can affect reality with your mind?
E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
To begin experimenting with your ability to use your mind to transform what happens in "reality" please get a copy of E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

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Order the Time Space Adventurers digital package that includes the ebook/pdf versions of the book and access to the online strategy course.

Reality can be manipulated by your imagination.

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The Gaia Game

Designer of Reality

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