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YOU Can Have Improved Health & Well-Being!

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To maintain optimal health, vitality, mental acuity and your ideal energy and stamina levels will require a BALANCE of the MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.

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BALANCE for optimal health.


Rejuvenate SKIN

SLEEP Better

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Stop the breakdown and protect your cells from oxidation. This our Bestseller BalanceOil Kit, which is also available in other flavors.

Get a unique insight into your body’s Omega 6:3 balance and see individualized “Before and After” BalanceTest results, then use Zinzino BalanceOil, a premium blend containing natural fish oil, high in Omega 3 (EPA + DHA), olive polyphenols and vitamin D3 to protect cells from rusting (oxidation) and adjust your body’s Omega 6:3 balance, supporting normal brain function, heart function and immune system.

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The Crucial Importance of Balancing Your Fats

From WebMD: (https://www.webmd.com/women/features/omega-3-fatty-acids#1)

Good Fat, Bad Fat: The Facts About Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are key for normal development and growth. Not enough omega-3 fatty acids and too much of omega-6 fatty acids is thought to be a significant contributing factor to many diseases. Since the human body can’t make omega-3 fatty acids, we have to get them from our diet.

If you ask folks what food group they should avoid, most will probably answer “fats.” While it’s true that, in large amounts, some types of fat are bad for your health (not to mention your waistline), there are some we simply can’t live without.

Among them are the omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods including walnuts, some fruits and vegetables, and coldwater fish such as herring, mackerel, sturgeon, and anchovies. “It not only plays a vital role in the health of the membrane of every cell in our body, it also helps protect us from a number of key health threats,” says Laurie Tansman, MS, RD, CDN, a nutritionist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.

The benefits of omega-3s include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke while helping to reduce symptoms of hypertension, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), joint pain and other rheumatoid problems, as well as certain skin ailments. Some research has even shown that omega-3s can boost the immune system and help protect us from an array of illnesses including Alzheimer’s disease.

Just how do omega-3s perform so many health “miracles” in people? One way, experts say, is by encouraging the production of body chemicals that help control inflammation — in the joints, the bloodstream, and the tissues.

But even as important is their ability to reduce the negative impact of yet another essential type of fatty acid known as omega-6s. Found in foods such as eggs, poultry, cereals, vegetable oils, baked goods, and margarine, omega-6s are also considered essential. They support skin health, lower cholesterol, and help make our blood “sticky” so it is able to clot. But when omega-6s aren’t balanced with sufficient amounts of omega-3s, problems can ensue.

“When blood is too ‘sticky,’ it promotes clot formation, and this can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke,” says nutritionist Lona Sandon, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. But once you add omega-3s to the mix, the risk of heart problems goes down, she tells WebMD.

The latest research shows that the most promising health effects of essential fatty acids are achieved through a proper balance between omega-3s and omega-6s. The ratio to shoot for, experts say, is roughly 4 parts omega-3s to 1 part omega-6s.

Most of us, they say, come up dangerously short.

“The typical American diet has a ratio of around 20 to 1 — 20 omega-6’s to 1 omega-3 — and that spells trouble,” says Sandon, an assistant professor of nutrition at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. While reducing your intake of omega-6s can help, getting more omega-3s from food is an even better way to go.



A test program is available – you can find out your omega 3-6 ratio and within 120 days get it within or close to the ideal range with Balance Oil

This product improves body function and well-being:

  • Normal brain function
  • Good for your heart
  • Good for your immune system
  • Helps maintain normal EPA and DHA in your body
  • Helps maintain normal Omega-6/Omega-3 levels in your body
  • Helps maintain polyphenol levels in your body to support blood lipids from
  • oxidative stress
  • Supports eye function, helps maintain triglyceride and blood pressure levels that are already within normal limits and promotes healthy bones, muscles, teeth and cells.

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Their is a secret to radiant skin

A blend of five natural dietary fibers that metabolize in the colon, supporting the growth of friendly bacteria, promoting healthy bowel functions, reducing feelings of bloating and balancing cholesterol levels.

Relax and Be Happy

Click an image above to find a solution.

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