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A system of Denials and Affirmations is a part of the teachings of nearly all religious teachings.

From Lessons In Truth
by Emily Cady

Denial brings freedom from bondage, and happiness comes when we can effectually deny the power of anything to touch or to trouble us.

Repeat these four denials silently several times a day, not with a strained anxiety to get something out of them, but trying calmly to realize the meaning of the words spoken:

There is no evil.
There is no absence of life, substance or intelligence anywhere.
Pain, sickness, poverty, old age, and death cannot master me, for they are not real.
There is nothing in all the universe for me to fear, for greater is He (She) that is within me than he (she) that is within the world.


As it is with denials, so with the affirmations. There are four or five sweeping affirmations of Truth that cover a multitude of lesser ones, and which do marvelous work in bringing good to ourselves and to others:

God is life, love, intelligence, substance, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence.
I am a child of God, and every moment His (Her) life, love, wisdom, power flow into and through me. I am one with God, and am governed by His (Her) law.
I am Spirit, perfect, holy, harmonious. Nothing can hurt me or make me sick or afraid, for Spirit is God, and God cannot be sick or hurt or afraid. I manifest my real self through this body now.
God works with me to will and to do whatsoever He (She) wishes me to do, and God cannot fail.


Commit these to memory, so that you can repeat them in the silence of your own mind in any place and at any time. Strangely will they act to deliver you out of the greatest external distresses, places where no human help avails. It is as though the moment you assert empatically your oneness with God, there is instantly se into motion all the power of omnipotent love to rush to your rescue.


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Here we have a couple of adventure stories, one for young children, one for up to 12 10 or 11 years old probably and then one best suited for 12+ but everyone will find it an interesting article to read and hopefully very insightful and useful as we all go through our own adventures.  These stories are all inspired by the book, Adventure of a Lifetime: Discover John Brodie's Transformative Book and read or, better yet get the audible edition and listen to the author read it to you - this edition includes some extra material you should enjoy.  Find out more at this link: https://amzn.to/4cJT2Ih

Download your gift from Designer of Reality, three stories to share with young friends and family that will hopefully be entertaining for them and teach them some beneficial ideas for getting the most out of their own life adventures. Here's you download link https://designerofreality.com/Adventure/What%20follows%20are%20a%20couple%20of%20stories%20and%20an%20article%20inspired%20by%20the%20book.pdf Feel free to share these stories with anyone you think might enjoy them. We all need to be a part of dreaming our new stories for humanity and our planet.

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