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I just started reading Richard Bach’s newest book, Part Time Angels and 75 Others.  As I have been reading it I find I am nearly overwhelmed with love and appreciation for this wonderful person.  It is sad and very happy at the same time.  Sad because I guess Richard has been feeling a bit disconnected or lonely lately.  He has been through a lot in the last few years – the main event being a bad plane crash where he and Puff, his plane (and very close friend) died for awhile.  Fortunately for the betterment of the planet and this time space reality Richard decided to come back for a bit more adventuring.

I say all of this because first and foremost I want Richard to know (he must surely realize it but maybe he has forgotten) how much his ideas and the words he has been inspired to put in print have meant to the shape of reality on this planet.  Ideas create reality.  Reality is not some material object – that is a result.  Reality is created by beliefs as beliefs design form through the interaction of energy and vibration.  It is all about your vision of the world and reality you create for yourself.    Richard has been responsible for creating some very helpful realities.

Donald Shimoda is one of Richard’s good friends and he is as real to me as Jesus or Bob Marley or Martin Luther King, all of whom I think share the “Reluctant Messiah” designation with Mr. Shimoda.  Maybe Richard should also be designated a Reluctant Messiah – after all he apparently talks to angels and Spirits quite frequently and he even came back from the dead.  It can be a lonely job because as much as people want to be near you and meet you and “get a piece of you” all that attention can be very stressful.  Richard now lives off by himself in an Island of tranquility he has created for himself but I feel he is not totally at peace with that, maybe wondering if he is supposed to be doing something else.  Just relax and enjoy the world of your dreams.  We of course would be very pleased if you got around to sending us another story about Donald or Puff or The Ferrets or someone we have not gotten to meet yet.  That would be nice.

Thankfully Richard got a little divine guidance to launch this newest book out onto the sea of consciousness to join Donald, Puff and his Ferret friends.  Richard, you are for sure one of our most wonderful guides or what I call a Designer of Reality.  Some people may be confused and think Richard is just a clever writer of fiction.  Richard you and your work will be celebrated for all time as the ripples of the love and joy and enlightenment you generate continue to flow out and bounce around the cosmos helping shape better futures for us all.

My main message here, besides thanking Richard, is to say if you are interested in increasing your understanding and appreciation of how the world we share works, read any of Richard’s books – read them all if you can.  Each one is a gift to you and the time space reality we live in offering bread crumbs to follow on the path to greater enlightenment and appreciation for the adventure we are so blessed to share.

Thank you Richard!

As I post this I find out that Richard is treating us to another book, Life with my Guardian Angel.  Thanks again and again Richard – I look forward to reading and learning more…


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Here we have a couple of adventure stories, one for young children, one for up to 12 10 or 11 years old probably and then one best suited for 12+ but everyone will find it an interesting article to read and hopefully very insightful and useful as we all go through our own adventures.  These stories are all inspired by the book, Adventure of a Lifetime: Discover John Brodie's Transformative Book and read or, better yet get the audible edition and listen to the author read it to you - this edition includes some extra material you should enjoy.  Find out more at this link: https://amzn.to/4cJT2Ih

Download your gift from Designer of Reality, three stories to share with young friends and family that will hopefully be entertaining for them and teach them some beneficial ideas for getting the most out of their own life adventures. Here's you download link https://designerofreality.com/Adventure/What%20follows%20are%20a%20couple%20of%20stories%20and%20an%20article%20inspired%20by%20the%20book.pdf Feel free to share these stories with anyone you think might enjoy them. We all need to be a part of dreaming our new stories for humanity and our planet.

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