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Global Citizens Help Fulfill Mandela’s Vision of Ending Extreme Poverty by Taking 5.6M Actions

Over 5.65M actions led to 58 commitments and announcements worth $7,096,996,725 (ZAR 99,503,546,297), set to affect the lives of 137,368,628 people. 

On 2 December, 2018, Global Citizen brought together its largest contingency of heads of state, dignitaries, a group of the world’s most talented artists and influencers, and thousands of global citizens to celebrate the centenary of Nelson Mandela.

A poignant series of drawings by Nelson Mandela, called the Struggle series, served as an inspiration for the festival. The drawings of Mandela’s hands represent not only the story of his life but also the story of his country. They depict his hands in five positions representing: struggle, imprisonment, freedom, unity and the future. They also depict the motivation behind actions that Global Citizens have been taking this year to see the end to extreme poverty in our lifetime.

Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100 set a historic stage for not only donor countries but also for African countries standing up for his hope for the future, making sure that Africa was standing up and getting its voice heard.

Global Citizen surpassed its goal for commitments of USD $1 billion by seven times, with commitments from the World Bank, Vodacom, PEPFAR, Cisco, the government of South Africa and not to mention co-hosts of Mandela 100, the Motsepe Foundation. These donations alone added $5.4 billion on top of projected new commitments.

Top commitments

Neglected Tropical Diseases: The fight to end debilitating, disfiguring, and fatal Neglected Tropical Diseases took a big step forward with impressive commitments from the END Fund, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UK Aid, Virgin Unite, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Alma Foundation, Mozambique, Botswana, and Belgium worth $149.9 million.

HIV/AIDS: A number of significant pledges were made in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Ambassador Deborah Birx, on behalf of the United States, made an historic commitment of $1.2 billion channelled through PEPFAR on Global Citizen’s stage. It is the largest pledge the US government has made to HIV/AIDS. Alongside this pledge, the Global Fund committed $369 million in South Africa over the next 3 years. Of this sum, USD $90 million is set to go towards preventing new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women most at risk.

Motsepe Foundation: The hosting and presenting partner of the Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100 announced a series of massive commitments totaling over USD $104.4 million. These commitments, announced by Dr. Precious Motsepe and Patrice Motrsepe are set to advance education, economic inclusion, and equality of women and girls, as well as ensure that current land discussions and processes in SA will result in land being made available to black people living in rural and urban areas.

South Africa: His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, former anti-apartheid leader alongside Nelson Mandela, addressed FNB Stadium and viewers around the world with a message of Global Citizenship, committing RAND 2 million for youth in South Africa, and announcing the government’s intention to spend RAND 6 billion to provide free access to school for poor children in South Africa.

Education: Significant strides were made to #FundEducation, with Sierra Leone committing to increase its education budget to 21.5%, Canada committing CAD $50,000,000 to Education Cannot Wait, and Germany committing to double its funding of the Global Partnership for Education from €18M to €37M and increase its funding of Education Cannot Wait by €15M for a total of €31M. The government of Kenya also made a bold commitment to spend close to 30% of its budget on education.

Top announcements

The US Congressional Black Caucusannounced bipartisan support for taking action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through United States leadership and foreign aid.

Ireland’s Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced that Ireland will increase its aid budget by 15% in 2019, working toward its goal of allocating 0.7% of its total budget to ODA.

Ghana has taken the lead alongside a number of Commonwealth countries and signed onto the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace – a digital peace initiative.

Struggle – Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

1,083,885 actions delivered three commitments and announcements valued at $55,034,813. 12,540,433 lives set to be affected.

Madagascar: At the SDG2 High Level Dinner – Building on Madiba’s Legacy: Ending Hunger and Malnutrition on the African Continent dinner leading up to Mandela 100, Madagascar announced that they will commit USD $40 million to achieve open defecation free status and promote sanitation in the country.

Vodacom: Vodacom CEO Shameel Joosub and GCO, Corporate Affairs for Vodacom Takalani Netshitenzhe announced that Vodacom will be supporting South African President Ramaphosa’s investment in digital technologies by “pledging USD $34,813,367 in fighting gender-based violence; enhancing sanitation in schools; and enhancing digital literacy for teachers, learners, youth, and in early childhood development centres.” Takalani also announced that Vodacom will be partnering with the South African Government to ensure that children have access to safe pit latrines.

Call-To-Action – STRUGGLE: Nomzamo Mbatha presented the first Call-To-Action for the evening announcing for every retweet of her post, Vodacom will be donating 1 RAND to the issue of pit latrines, up to RAND $500,000.

Nigeria: Director General of the Cross River State Primary Health Care Agency, Dr. Chimaobim Betta Edu addressed the thousands of Global Citizens:

“Achieving clean water and sanitation requires African solutions. And so, it is my great pleasure to announce today that I am committing $3 million dollars every year for the next five years, for a total of fifteen million dollars for sanitation in Cross River State.”

She ended with a call to action for other Nigerian governors to join Cross River to champion this issue.

Imprisonment – Zero Poverty and Food & Hunger


Ireland: In response to 101,048 actions by Global Citizens since June this year, the Taoiseach of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, via video message announced that the government of Ireland would increase its aid budget by a monumental 15% in 2019.

“Ireland has a proud tradition of helping people around the world, particularly the areas of health and education. We are committed to the goal of investing 0.7% of our gross national income in International Development as part of our ambitious ‘Global Ireland’ programme. Next year we will increase our Development budget by 15%. We see it as a step on the journey to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This will allow us to intensify our work with our partners around the world to improve education, particularly for girls, build health services, and reduce hunger as we work together to be the generation that eradicates extreme poverty from the world. Madiba’s dream of equal opportunity for all is Ireland’s dream.”

The Black Caucus: Representing the United States, members of the US Congressional Black Caucus were Rep. Barbara Lee of California, Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia, Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois, and Rep. Terri Sewell of Alabama. Leading the delegation is Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York announced that “in the spirit of Nelson Mandela, we pledge to keep working with our colleagues in Congress, across the country and across the aisle to make sure that every child in Africa and at home has the opportunity to thrive and grow in a safe and prosperous world.”

The World Bank Group: Dr. Jim Kim, on behalf of the World Bank Group, made a significant commitment of an additional USD $1 billion next year for health and education in Africa.

“The lack of investment in health and education is a global emergency and my generation has failed you…You have to call on your leaders to invest more in health and education. Raise your voice.”


721,212 actions delivered 12 commitments and announcements valued at USD $204,350,630. 4,649,398 lives set to be affected.


Namibia: At the SDG2 High Level Dinner – Building on Madiba’s Legacy: Ending Hunger and Malnutrition on the African Continent dinner leading up to Mandela 100, Valerie Guarnieri, US Assistant Executive Director of the World Food Programme, addressed the guests and stressed the need for governments to take control of nutrition. On behalf of the government of Namibia, Guarnieri announced its commitment to fully fund its school program for 365,000 pre-primary and primary kids in more than 1,400 schools at a cost of $7M a year.

Madagascar: In closing the SDG High Level Dinner, and in response to calls to address stunting and malnutrition, the Government General Secretary of Madagascar announced a commitment of USD $40 million towards nutrition over the next three years


USADF: Also at the SDG2 High Level Dinner, United States African Development Fund President and CEO C.D. Glinannounced a USD $20 million commitment  to match the funds of the agricultural budgets of Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, and Zambia.

“We want productive agriculture in Africa. We want people to be able to feed themselves. Yes. Feed their families. Yes. To feed their communities. Yes. But also the countries and the continent of Africa,”  Glin said.

Germany: Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel shared the country’s hope for the future. A future where people are no longer imprisoned by hunger.

“With the 2030 Agenda, the nations of the world have pledged to give all people the chance to live healthy and safe lives of their own devising. Overcoming poverty and hunger is the prerequisite for this – and will also follow from it. One of our first tasks, therefore, is to increase food production. That would also create better job opportunities and livelihoods in rural areas. Germany is one of the biggest donors to the International Fund for Agricultural Development. We will make available 63 million euros to this organisation over the next three years,” -Chancellor Merkel said.

Freedom – Education and Work & Economic Growth


841,195 actions delivered 12 commitments and announcements valued at USD $1,758,053,977. 16,723,136 lives set to be affected. 

Sierra Leone: His Excellency, Julius Maada Bio, the President of Sierra Leone reaffirmed that the country will spend 21% of its total budget on education in 2018, totalling USD $165 million. He also committed to raising this budget to 21.5% in 2019.

“Overseas Development Assistance is welcome, but it is not infinite. We have to first rely on ourselves. By investing our own African resources in free, quality teaching and learning, we are investing in our human capital and empowering our youth to be the generation that will end poverty in our time.” – His Excellency, Julius Maada Bio, President, Sierra Leone

South Sudan: Honourable Minister of General Education and Instruction of South Sudan, Deng Deng Hoc Yai announced that South Sudan will commit to allocating an additional 5% of the annual budget to education in training for civil servants. The Minister also announced that the country hopes to allocate more than 10% of its annual budget in 2019 – aiming to increase to 15% in the next five years.

“Going to school should not be a lottery. Education is even more critical in conflict-affected countries like South Sudan. Our President, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, signed the Peace Agreement in September. Now, we can transform South Sudan. Let us take action to end poverty and to change the lives of the children of the world.” – Deng Deng Hoc Yai, Honourable Minister of General Education and Instruction, South Sudan

Will Smith: In September, Will Smith took a big leap, bungee-jumping over the Grand Canyon to raise funds for education. Deng Deng Hoc Yai, Minister of General Education and Instruction of South Sudan, announced on Will Smith’s behalf a commitment to contribute the USD $750,000 that he raised to the Education Cannot Wait fund.

Someone who understands the importance of education is Will Smith, a true champion for children’s rights, who bravely bungee-jumped over the Grand Canyon in September raising over $750,000 US Dollars for the Education Cannot Wait initiative to help countries like mine provide education in emergencies. I appreciate Will Smith for his support! Absolutely, education cannot wait.” — Deng Deng Hoc Yai, Minister of General Education and Instruction of South Sudan

Germany: Addressing thousands of Global Citizens via a video message on Twitter, Chancellor Angela Merkel committed to doubling Germany’s contribution to the Global Partnership for Education and the Education Cannot Wait Fund.

“We want to work with Africa in a spirit of partnership to offer its young population good prospects for the future. With this in mind, we have just launched the development investment fund here in Berlin. We hope to raise up to a billion euros through this fund. A person’s chances in life are determined above all by their access to education, to training, and to employment. For this reason, Germany has this year doubled its contributions to the global Education Cannot Wait fund to 31 million euros and to the Global Partnership for Education to 18 million euros. Next year, we will turn this 18 million euros into 37 million euros.” – Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany

Canada: Also via video message and with a tweet in reply to Global Citizens’ actions, Prime Minister Trudeau reaffirmed the importance that Canada places on education, particularly in areas of crisis. He committed CAD $50 million to Education Cannot Wait.

HP: Managing Director of HP Inc., Nigeria Ify Afe announced that with partners like the UN Industrial Development Organization, it has established technology-enabled innovation centers in Africa so that entrepreneurs are able to learn the skills needed to build a business or to find employment. However, Johannesburg served as the perfect place for HP to commit to empowering another 100,000 learners over the next 3 years.

“We begin right here in Johannesburg, where we are building our next iHP LIFE Center. I am inspired by our common goal, by every one person who’s a part of the Global Citizen movement.”

Kenya: President of Kenya, His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta addressed the thousands of Global Citizens with one firm answer:

“Today, I respond to the many global citizens who have called upon my administration to maintain its education budget above 20% of our total budget, but I want to go one step further, and this year, I pledge to you, my fellow global citizens, that in Kenya, our education budget will be closer to 30% of our total budget, making it probably the highest on the African continent.” – His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, President, Kenya

Cisco: Cisco’s Networking Academy has helped to create opportunities for people around the world through training that helps train individuals with important 21st century skills. To date, Cisco has trained over 9 million people with technical skills; and at Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100, Cisco committed to preparing 10 million people worldwide to work and thrive in the digital economy over 5 years.

Trevor Noah Foundation: Trevor Noah announced that the Trevor Noah Foundation, which has renovated schools and provided access to technology and career training for young people, would start providing support to teachers as well. And in a commitment to last until the end of the month, Trevor Noah pledged to match every dollar donated to the Foundation up until 2 million South African rand.

Unity – Girls & Women

803,617 actions delivered 16 commitments and announcements valued at $268,667,175. 2,666,992 lives set to be affected.

Norway: On the eve of the Mandela 100, the Government of South Africa and the Global Fund, in partnership with Global Citizen held“Investing in Women and Girls: A World AIDS Day Celebration.” At the event, Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway committed USD $2.07 million to UNFPA Supplies to bring total up to $20,070,000 by 2020. The commitment will go towards closing the international gap to UNFPA Supplies, which we know is important, to bring up the total sum to over USD $20 million and we know that our commitment will reach another 235,000 women and adolescent girls with contraceptive methods.”

Accenture, Intel, and Procter & Gamble: Through WEConnect International, Intel, Procter & Gamble, and Accenture all committed to focusing on spending more on women-owned businesses, and especially those in developing countries including South Africa.

“Accenture as a global corporate is committing a USD $100 million spend with women-owned businesses over three years, and we are doing that deliberately because we believe in the empowerment of women.”

Intel: “We made a commitment last year in Berlin to spend USD $100 million with women-owned businesses, and we are upping that to USD $200 million by 2020. The more you spend with women-owned businesses, the more you develop those communities they work in and spend their own money with. We will continue, with WEConnect International, to identify those women-owned businesses and continue certifying and developing those many businesses out there.

Procter & Gamble: “We are proud that we also made a USD $100 million commitment at the New York Global Citizen Festival last year, and we achieved that in only one year, instead of three. And today, we are pleased to announce we are going to triple our spending here in South Africa with women-owned businesses, and spend USD $30 million over the next three years.”

#SheIsEqual: In June 2018, Global Citizen together with the governments of Belgium and Luxembourg, P&G, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched its #SheIsEqual campaign which highlights the gender inequalities that are faced by women and girls all over the world and resulting in entrenched poverty. Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo who helped launch the campaign in Brussels, was on the Global Citizen stage in Johannesburg once again to announce that the campaign had surpassed its target of USD $500M in new commitments towards making the world more equitable.

Belgium: Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister, Belgium, announced that “Belgium is going to invest in women and girls an additional 43 million euros.” This will go towards sexual and reproductive health and rights and family planning initiatives around the world. De Croo also committed another 5 million euros towards fighting tropical diseases and announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be matching this amount.

#TotalShutDown: A social movement to fight gender-based violence in South Africa, #TotalShutdown called President Ramaphosa to act and follow up on the Declaration of the Presidential Summit Against Gender Based Violence and Femicide, to ensure that the legal and policy environment and services provide the support that is required.

“President Ramaphosa, You heard first hand from the survivors of violence at the summit. As man and the leader of our country, you must fulfill your promise to protect the rights and needs of women, gender non-conforming persons and LGBTQI.” – Brenda Madumise, Activist

Denmark: Through video message earlier today, Tobias Elling Rehfeld announced Denmark’s commitment of USD $7.6 million to UNFPA Supplies by the end of the year and reaffirmed that Denmark will spend almost $110 million on sexual and reproductive health rights in 2019.

Future – Health & Environment

1,064,006 actions delivered 20 commitments and announcements valued at USD $2,765,191,805. 100,769,668 lives set to be affected.

Malaria: Prime Minister of Mozambique Carlos Agostinho do Rosário announced a pledge of USD $30 million as a result of a public-private partnership between the governments of Mozambique, Eswatini, South Africa, and Goodbye Malaria.


The Audacious Project: Precious Mukelabai, a community health worker from Zambia, announced that Sir Richard Branson and a group of distinguished donors including UK Aid, Virgin Unite, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Alma Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be providing USD $105M to support Sightsavers, a program focused on fighting trachoma.

End Fund: Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa, Advisor of Talent Engagement and Long-Term Investment, Higherlife Foundation, announced that “thanks to individual and private sector donors, including the Higherlife Foundation in Zimbabwe – a USD $15.5 million contribution towards NTDs through the END Fund will help twenty-six million Africans live healthy, more prosperous lives.” – Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa, Higherlife

Bill & Melinda Gates: Over a series of commitments over the evening the Bill & Melinda Gates made several matching commiments. However its largest commitment was related to NTDs.

“Tonight, I’m proud to announce, on behalf of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we’re giving USD $17 million dollars to the World Health Organization in Africa to protect twenty million people from neglected tropical diseases.” – Mark Suzman, Chief Strategy Officer, Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation

Botswana: At the High Level Reception for the SDGs on 2 December, Honourable Mr. Slumber Tsogwane, Vice President of the Republic of Botswana, committed to tackle Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

“I pledge on behalf of the government of Botswana to prioritise the prevention and treatment of all neglected tropical diseases, and to provide the domestic resources required for their elimination,” said Tsogwane.

VP Tsogwane voiced immense respect for Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy. “In honour of this great man, I am happy to reaffirm Botswana’s commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

Ghana: At the High Level Reception for the SDGs on 2 December, Minister Jeff Radebe of South Africa congratulated on behalf of President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo made a commitment of USD $6 million to the fight to eliminate NTDs.

Mozambique: Prime Minister of Mozambique, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário committed USD $6 million to mapping river blindness and increasing coverage of elephantiasis and intestinal worms. “Together, we can work to improve the health and nutrition for everyone on our continent” he said.


Global Fund: Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, committed to invest USD $369 million in South Africa over the next three years. Of this sum, USD $90 million is set to go towards preventing new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women most at risk.

“We need your help to call on world leaders in 2019 to ensure we have the resources we need to continue the fight,” Sands said.

PEPFAR, United States of America: The United States President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) was launched in 2003. It began in South Africa as an emergency response to the devastating epidemic that was sweeping the country. In a historic moment, US Global AIDS Coordinator & U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy, Ambassador Deborah Birx announced the single, largest commitment that the United States Government has made on HIV. The USD $1.2 billion pledge over two years will help to address the largest HIV epidemic in the world and cements the United States as a global leader in the fight against HIV/AIDs.

“I’m pleased to announce that the United States, through PEPFAR, will commit more than one point 2 billion dollars, or 16 billion rand, over two years, to help support President Ramaphosa’s bold commitment to reach 2 million more South Africans with life-saving HIV treatment by 2020. Together, we can make the impossible, possible.” – Ambassador Deborah Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator & U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy

The Parker Institute, BMS, Roche and Astrazeneca: Sean Parker, on behalf of the Parker Institute, announced that three global pharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca, Bristil Myers Squibb, and Roche, will provide access to modern cancer treatments including cutting-edge immunotherapies.

“We are making these new drugs available, right now — not a decade from now. By working together, we can change the paradigm from one where we do too little, too late, to one where we can intervene early, before the human suffering is too horrible to ignore. We will ensure that life-saving medications are available in Africa when they become available elsewhere.”

Nedbank: Nedbank committed RAND 5 million towards the vaccination of children through its partnership with the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.

Durex: Durex reaffirmed its partnership with (RED), which seeks to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. Through this joint initiative, for every Durex(RED) condom bought, Durex makes a contribution to a lifesaving Global Fund HIV/AIDS programme in South Africa.

City of Johannesburg: In the lead up to the Mandela Festival, the City of Johannesburg wanted to commemorate Nelson Mandela’s legacy by making a commitment to expanding its primary healthcare programmes that provide access to healthcare for the city’s poorest communities. To this end, “in January 2019 the city will be tabling a budget adjustment to increase the allocation to the Department of Health and Social Development by R50 million to expand these programmes in order to reach more residents.”

“The City of Joburg shares the commitment by Global Citizen to addressing the challenge of extreme poverty, and improving the quality of life of those who call it home. It is the residents who find themselves living below the poverty line – most of whom live on the outskirts on the City without access to basic services and primary health care – that continue to suffer from the legacy of Apartheid-era spatial development, deprived of the dream of a “new” South Africa.”


The Motsepe Foundation: In a historic moment, a number of Zulu leaders came together to announce a commitment of USD $243 million (3.5 billion rand) towards land reform.

We are coming together and are committed to work together to ensure that the current land reform discussions and processes in South Africa will result in land (with the requisite resources and support) being made available to black people living in the rural and urban areas” – Patrice Motsepe preceding a commitment of $243 million (RAND 3.5 billion).


253,494 actions delivered 1 commitments and announcements valued at USD 38,000,000. 545,767,384 lives set to be affected.

Coca-Cola Africa: Coca-Cola’s World Without Waste vision has driven new recycling products and practices around the continent, and at Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100, Coca-Cola Africa committed USD $38M towards recycling infrastructure and promoting recycling behaviour in 14 countries.

“At Coca-Cola, we believe in doing business the right way because people matter and our planet matters. We acknowledge the potential harm that packaging, and in particular plastic packaging can do to the environment.”

Vodacom: In response to the President Ramaphosa Investment Drive, Vodacom committed RAND 50 billion South African over the next five years to go towards deploying a fibre network, 4G and 5G technologies around the country. Half of this will be spent on rural underserved communities in South Africa.

Microsoft Digital Peace: President Akufo-Addo of Ghana stated that 57 governments endorsed a new international declaration, the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace to work collectively towards a common goal of protecting cyberspace. The president announced Ghana’s support for the Paris Call and urged other nations to join.

Commonwealth Secretary-General Baroness Scotland also announced that as of today eight Commonwealth countries had joined the Paris Call and the “leaders of all 53 members had unanimously adopted the Commonwealth Cyber Declaration — strengthening their individual and collective capability to tackle threats to cybersecurity.”

Charter for Change: A high-level reception held at the Australian High Commission in Pretoria marked the first in a week of activism leading up to Mandela 100. The event raised awareness of the Charter of Change is a 10-point agreement, coming 10 years after the effective date of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons of Disabilities.  It calls on signatories to promote the political and social empowerment of people living with disabilities around the world. The World Bank estimates that 20% of the world’s poor are living with disabilities. Thabane Zulu, Director General at the Department of Energy signed the Charter for Change on behalf of South Africa. He said “Mandela laid the foundation for the inclusion of all people in everything we do.”

The Charter was also signed by Global Citizen’s partner Coty, one of the world’s largest beauty companies.

“Coty is committed to creating a more inclusive and accessible workplace for people with disabilities and championing that we are all differently-abled. As part of their commitment, they will be implementing a new disability roadmap; ensuring all HR policies consider the needs of employees of every ability, collecting better internal data & having more role models with both visible and non-visible disabilities.” – Press Release

Oprah Winfrey: In a moving and uplifting keynote address to Global Citizens, Oprah highlighted the path forward for all Global Citizens.

“Let’s leave this great gathering, allowing the music and message of this centennial celebration to forge commitment for change”…”and let us at long last, become the change we want to see in global education, in clean water, in health, and gender equality,” said Winfrey.

South Africa

Global Citizens have taken an incredible 512,640 actions calling on the South African government to tackle areas such as healthcare, nutrition, water and sanitation, education and gender equality. And tonight Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, former anti-apartheid leader alongside Nelson Mandela, addressed FNB Stadium and viewers around the world with a message of Global Citizenship.

He made significant commitments towards education by committing RAND 60 billion to spend on education over the next coming years. In addition he pledged RAND 2 billion to youth. He also filled the audience with hope and a time to reflect on Nelson Mandela’s legacy.

“Nelson Mandela has taught us that it is not the influential, the rich or the powerful who make history, but those citizens who are determined to make a difference,” the president said.

“We have heard the call of the girl child who is deprived of education because she cannot afford sanitary products,” said Ramaphosa.

“We have heard the cries of women who endure abuse, violence and even death at the hands of partners and strangers alike.”

“We have felt the pain of the LGBTI community, who are confronted daily by ignorance and bigotry, discrimination and abuse.”

“We have heard these calls, and, together, we will act to create a better life for all of us.”

“Here, in southernmost tip of Africa, we too have heeded the call of the Global Citizen.”

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