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We are God
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Moving with Appreciation and Attention into Each New Now Moment

There is a commonly held opinion that life just happens and you do your best to deal with it.  The opposite of that is the realization that you are in control of much of the story the “character” you have designed is living. A key realization for you is the knowledge that reality is whatever you believe it to be. 

Here’s an important recommendation – don’t buy into anything you don’t like.  If something does not “feel” right to you, reject it and make your own choice about how you see your days and ideas evolving.  What everyone else in the world thinks need not have any relevance for you.  It is only as you choose to interact with others that you need to be sensitive to the fact that their reality may be totally different than yours. 

Here’s a key happiness principal:  NO JUDGEMENT.  All of the “others” are just as accurate as you in their appraisal of the world because they are as totally in charge of their reality as you are.  How so many millions of individuals can interact and yet be totally independent and self determining is the most amazing part of this adventure game we are all a part of.  How this works will be a big part of our ongoing discussion. 

Rather than focus your energy on judging situations or people as good or bad, instead find something to appreciate wherever you attention is placed.  In this way we help energize the “wanted” reality instead of the “unwanted” reality.  You will learn that you have great creative power and that by consistently focusing your attention and intention on the best possible version of future reality you can imagine, you will be able to make it a reality.   

We change the world by our example.  We are constantly on the lookout for people, places and things to be thankful for and give the energy of appreciation to.  There is much we have to do as we play the part we have created for ourselves on this stage of life.  We realize we are living our own unique adventure and we truly live in a world of our own but we know that the qualities of the world we create for ourselves can influence all of Creation.  Our energy can flow out from us to heal and sooth those in need and help them replace fear with hope and love.  Sharing these concepts with others further increases their positive impact – there is greater strength in numbers.  While it may not always be evident on the surface where troubles can be made to look prominent, there is a move to a higher level of consciousness that continues to accelerate as more and more people wake up to their true nature as immortal and unlimited beings.

Together we are gradually moving the planet to an ever greater state of wellness as each of its parts increasingly follows a path of less resistance.

Reality is no more than consistently held beliefs. By designing a more positive and optimistic vision for the future and empowering that vision with belief in its real-ness we can create that future or something even better will be continuously unfolding.  By working to maintain an attitude of positive expectancy you will find that your light of joy and wellbeing benefits all in your sphere of influence wherever you travel in your adventure as it unfolds in the days ahead.  As you put worries and doubts further out of your awareness you thrill at the fun and satisfaction that comes from living a life filled with love, joy and appreciation. 

The real secret is that it’s all in your imagination.  Don’t let your ego basic operating system run the show – it will only predict more of the same for you and try to inhibit your natural tendency to want to grow and evolve.  Whatever you believe the world to be it will become. The Designer of Reality™ program is about learning that you are the shaper of the world you experience and training yourself to get better and better at intentionally creating the life you want.

We are not here simply to witness Creation – we are the Creators.

Crisis and challenge arise not to punish or defeat us but to inspire us to design new and improved solutions that promote balance and order.

We must not become complacent and settle for any dis-ease.  Imagining and believing in a world of balance and harmony is our true purpose.

To stay on course we need only follow our feelings along a decision path that brings the most satisfaction, happiness and peace to our experience of the world.

We will make mistakes but that is how we are designed to learn and sharpen our abilities.  Our lives have great importance because with every thought and deed we are shaping the future.

We are at the edge of Creation.  In every moment everything is new again because it is all a product of our consciousness.  What was no longer has importance – what will be is always up to us.

Believe in yourself and share your strength and light with the world.  You are a peacemaker and you are capable of channeling unlimited power to heal and spread love and joy wherever you direct your attention.

We are warriors of Spirit.  We are the Designers of Reality.

Becoming an INTENTIONAL CREATOR – someone who decides how they want their reality to be shaped and then learns to allow its manifestation  – this is a skill that can be learned.  It is an ART that takes discipline and persistence.  It will probably require the use of some processes and practice to reprogram your thinking to some degree.  However it is not difficult and you will find much satisfaction and enjoyment in the process.  It truly is a great adventure and it is really why you are here.  Most important do not be hard on yourself.  You are already fully deserving and ready.  You cannot do anything wrong and no one is judging you. 


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Karuna Hum – A Reality Design Handbook

This package includes both .epub and .pdf versions of the Karuna Hum Reality Design Handbook.

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Here we have a couple of adventure stories, one for young children, one for up to 12 10 or 11 years old probably and then one best suited for 12+ but everyone will find it an interesting article to read and hopefully very insightful and useful as we all go through our own adventures.  These stories are all inspired by the book, Adventure of a Lifetime: Discover John Brodie's Transformative Book and read or, better yet get the audible edition and listen to the author read it to you - this edition includes some extra material you should enjoy.  Find out more at this link: https://amzn.to/4cJT2Ih

Download your gift from Designer of Reality, three stories to share with young friends and family that will hopefully be entertaining for them and teach them some beneficial ideas for getting the most out of their own life adventures. Here's you download link https://designerofreality.com/Adventure/What%20follows%20are%20a%20couple%20of%20stories%20and%20an%20article%20inspired%20by%20the%20book.pdf Feel free to share these stories with anyone you think might enjoy them. We all need to be a part of dreaming our new stories for humanity and our planet.

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