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Om Kleen Shreem
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Regular Meditation for 15-20 minutes a day is the BEST thing you can do for immediately increasing your health, well-being, happiness and satisfaction with your life.

The purpose of meditation is to temporarily let you tune-out the voice of your ego that is giving you a virtually non-stop play-by-play of your day. That voice can be very limiting because it bases everything on past experience so its narrative just keeps you in the status quo. Since you would probably like to positively alter some of your current circumstances the only way to do that is open the door to some fresh thought and inspiration. This happens when you sleep but meditation is the most powerful tool to open the door to new realities. Opening that door for just a few moments can have a great effect. Each day the crack in your current reality will widen. The functioning of your brain and the neural pathways will become more efficient.

In a matter of days you can notice significant differences in your life. There are lots of ways to meditate and the only way you can do it wrong is to try hard. Just relax and give it a try.

Meditation Exercise

  • To do our meditation experiment, find a comfortable spot where you can sit quietly without being disturbed for 15-20 minutes.
  • When you are comfortably seated, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing. You don’t need to try and breathe any special way, just take a few slow deep breaths to start and then breath normally.
  • The focus on your breathing will have you already feeling more relaxed. As you continue your focus on your breathing, consciously relax your body. Let all your muscles in your face and neck relax. Tell yourself, “My whole body is totally relaxed”. (with a little practice this exercise will get even more effective)
  • Take 1-2 minutes focused on your breathing and consciously relaxing the muscles throughout your body.
  • Now, begin saying to yourself (in the mind – not out loud), “Om Cleem Shreem”. Just keep repeating this “mantra” to yourself. Om Cleem Shreem, Om Cleem Shreem, Om Cleem Shreem – this translates to English as “I attract all divine abundance and blessings”.
  • “Om Cleem Shreem” “Om Cleem Shreem” “Om Cleem Shreem” …
  • Whenever you notice that another thought or physical sensation has captured your attention, “gently” go back to repeating the mantra in your mind. “Om Cleem Shreem”, “Om Cleem Shreem”, “Om Cleem Shreem”…
  • Continue this process for 10-20 minutes.
  • After this time period, let the mantra go and come back to placing your focus on your breathing – slow even breaths. Give it a minute or so and then you can open your eyes when you feel ready.
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