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Month: December 2018

Playing For Change Foundation

Thank you for your unwavering support of Playing For Change Foundation and your commitment to peace and positive social change through music and arts education. This is of course the season of joy, reflection, family and of course many year-end appeals from extraordinary organizations and worthy causes. We encourage you […]

The 222 Foundation

The 222 Foundation was started to honor Tasman McKay Grout who spent her 25 short years on the planet inspiring everyone who knew her to live and love better. Everything she did was some variation of this theme: create relentlessly, love fiercely and do quiet, kind things for the underdog. […]

Are YOU Going to Make it a Happy New Year?

Let's make it a Happy New Year!

Pack up your fears and worries and leave them behind in 2018. Be ready to embark on the adventures of 2019 with hope, optimism and a conviction that you can help make this planet a better place to live! It is up to you/us to make it a Happy New […]

3 Meditations to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

The holidays are upon us again—a busy time of year filled with visiting with friends and family, shopping for gifts, and preparing special meals to enjoy with loved ones.  To help you get more joy out of the holidays, here are 3 Meditations to Get You in the Holiday Spirit […]

Attracting Your Dream Life

For our friends at The Designer of Reality I have something really special just for you today! It’s a high-quality 5-Audio Package, all designed to get you on track to attracting your “dream life”. ==> Download Your Free 5-Audio Package This free audio package includes: Removing Your Success Blocking Walls […]

Music Brings Hope and Joy

Playing For Change Positively Transforms Reality

“Music education can help spark a child’s imagination or ignite a lifetime of passion. When you provide a child with new worlds to explore and challenges to tackle, the possibilities are endless. Music education should not be a privilege for a lucky few, it should be part of every child’s world […]