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Take the ACE Test for FREE

The ACE questionnaire consists of 10 questions about adverse experiences before age 18 and is scored based on the number of “yes” responses. A high ACE score has been associated with increased risk for various health and social problems. Unfortunately, adverse childhood experiences can have significant and long-lasting effects on a person’s physical and mental health in later life.

Please use this download link to access the ACE test: http://previewnet.com/PsycHealth/ACE%20Test.pdf

Stress levels in society at all time high

Do you want to know how you are doing emotionally and mentally at this point in your life?

The ACE Test deals with early life trauma and stresses that can still be creating dangerous health issues for you.  The SelfView Test will let you know how effectively you have dealt with what has been revealed by the ACE, letting you know how you are doing today. 

As you age you should check your blood pressure and things like cholesterol levels.  It is equally important to get an evaluation of your current state of mind – what’s going on under the surface.  SelfView provides a personalized and confidential report on your emotional wellness in minutes.

– SelfView is more than just a quiz. It’s a scientifically validated and AI-powered assessment that can diagnose 24 common mental health conditions. For only $25 (only $20 if you use coupon code PEACE2023 when you check out at Shopify), you will get an accurate and comprehensive insight into your emotional well-being.

– Your mental health matters. That’s why we created SelfView, a fast and easy way to check your emotional wellness and get professional guidance. For a limited time, you can take the SelfView test for only $25 or less and get a confidential and detailed report on your mental health status.

– SelfView is a “personalized” mental health assessment that provides accurate diagnostic insight into 24 common mental health conditions.

– SelfView uses “AI technology” to customize questions based on your unique feelings and experiences. It also uses proprietary machine learning to accurately and quickly assess patient well-being.

– SelfView is fast and accurate. It takes only 7-11 minutes to complete, and it can be taken on any device. 

– SelfView is clinically validated and widely accepted. It has been developed through rigorous clinical testing and $8 Million in NIH funding. It has been used in top-tier medical centers such as Harvard, UCLA, University of Kentucky for years. It has over 90% patient acceptance rates and 100% physician satisfaction rates.

SelfView can foster a culture of emotional wellness and resilience, by encouraging people to take care of their mental health and to support each other in times of need.


Know your body.  Know your mind. TM


Train The Mind & The Body Will Follow.
Science shows performance starts in the brain yet so much more time is spent training the body. Why?  Because of the general misunderstanding of what truly drives performance. You cannot commit to becoming an exceptional player in a sport or the “game of life” until your mind is ready to take you there. Raw talent will only take you so far. It will be your mind that is either the gateway to success or the roadblock that holds you back.

Richard Neff, Ph.D., a sought-after sports psychologist, founded Inner-Edge which provides Neck-Up Training™ to athletes looking to take their game from good to great. Dr. Neff has partnered with PsycHealth Inc. to offer the SelfView™ comprehensive mental health screenings for his clients.
A lifetime of events along with a daily barrage of information and opinions have and are continuously shaping our thinking and affecting our approach to life.  As is demonstrated by the ACE Test, early life experiences can have damaging effects even when you only vaguely remember any of the events.  SelfView helps you quickly identify any underlying challenges to your mental and emotional wellbeing allowing you to seek treatment solutions.

Your SelfView  Assessment Results are delivered to you immediately upon completion.

After you review your results, you may want to discuss any concerning issues with a healthcare professional. 

Choose a path that feels right for you

If you want to talk with someone we have referral sources where you can find a therapist. We encourage you to show your SelfView report to whoever you talk to, your doctor, a therapist, or a friend or family member. This will help them understand you better and save you a great deal of time and perhaps money

See the Referrals section at SelfView.net for a list of resources.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy that has been shown to be effective in treating many mental health disorders and conditions through thousands of research studies. CBT is based on the cognitive model, originally developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, which explains that the way an individual thinks and feels about a situation determines their resulting behavior much more than the situation itself.

Therapists can conduct sessions in person (often in your physician’s office) or via telehealth video conferencing. Scheduling therapy will be coordinated through your doctor’s office, just like any other referral to a specialist.

CBT has proven to be effective in treating a variety of mental health issues, such as:

  • Anxiety, depression, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD…

  • Eating disorders and substance abuse issues

  • Sleeping issues such as Insomnia

  • Chronic pain such as fibromyalgia

  • Everyday life challenges**

*Source: The Beck Institute. ** The Cleveland Clinic

Diagram: McGovern Medical School

Try SelfView Yourself


You can only be your best when your mind is at its best.
Find out if something is holding you back. SelfView is available for only $20 using the coupon code PEACE2023 with the QR code on this page or by visiting www.bit.ly/3UG29C4.

Learn more about the SelfView™ visit PsycHealth.net
