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Author: JB

You are God. We are God.

we are GOD

That’s right, YOU are God.  You may have had people telling you all your life that God was some divine force that you were to look up to, pray to and possibly believe was going to punish you for wrongdoing.  That is all incorrect. You are the Creator and the […]

The Big Truth

we are GOD

(Your name here) is a made up character in a time-space-material world.  The book, The Edge of Creation, is about learning how to gain more control over the character you have created.  The highly evolved conscious being that is the real you has invented this character to interact with the […]

What’s Life All About?

The PositiVibes Network promotes a philosophy that individuals can “imagineer” the intentional positive transformation of personal realities through developing the inherent Creative Power of each individual (that sounds complicated but it is really just about believing that what you want is going to happen instead of fearing what you don’t […]

You Are a VERY Important Player in The GAIA Game

Welcome. You are one of this world's Designers of Reality™ and we are eager to give you some ideas to help you develop your creative power.

Welcome. You are one of this world’s Designers of Reality™ and we are eager to give you some ideas to help you develop your creative power. You are GOD. That’s right, YOU are God. You may have had people telling you all your life that God was some divine force […]

The PositiVibes Network Adventure

Coming together to design a better future.

The Adventure Our intent is to build a network of people who are promoting and believing in a more enlightened and joy filled future for the planet. As a part of that we will be celebrating the efforts of individuals who are taking direct action to improve the life experience […]

YOU are GOD. WE are GOD.


You are an adventurer playing what we are calling The Gaia Game. It’s the biggest game on the planet and while you may not realize it you can have full access to the energy that is designing the Universe here at The Edge of Creation. Your Reality will overlap all […]

Energy of Attraction: Manifesting Your Best Life!

You are writing the script

Dear Designer’s of Reality, Today marks the first day of Energy of Attraction: Manifesting Your Best Life! Remember that each meditation remains available online for a total of five days – so if you miss a day, you’ll have time to catch up easily. As we set out on our journey, […]